Certification Programme for Individual Integrity Profile (IIP) for Agrobank's Personnel

Certification Programme for Individual Integrity Profile (IIP) for Agrobank's Personnel

Nov 28, 2024

It was a privilege to deliver our specialized IIP training at the Agrobank headquarters in the heart of Kuala Lumpur on the 28th and 29th of November. A big thank you to Agrobank for giving us the time and space to share valuable insights and knowledge. We truly appreciated the opportunity to have meaningful discussions on the topic and exchange ideas in such an open and supportive environment. On the second day, we were pleasantly surprised by the outstanding performance of the participants. Their understanding and ability to apply the IIP concepts were truly impressive. Your dedication to learning and growth made this experience both productive and enjoyable. We are grateful for your trust and partnership and look forward to working together again in the future.

#Agrobank #MachineLearning #BehaviouralAnalytics #Globalpsytech #Integrity