Global Psytech

Career For Kid

Spark future aspirations—explore career paths at every stage  

Career Fit for Kids is designed to help children aged 10-15 explore their career interests and align them with their natural talents and passions. It evaluates potential career paths through two key dimensions: Interest Level, which identifies career fields that fascinate the child, and Exposure Level, which assesses activities the child has actively explored.

Tailored for different age groups, Career Fit for Kids (10-12 years old) introduces young learners to six diverse career fields: Agriculture & Natural Resources, Business & Hospitality, Human Services, Health Science, Science & Technology, and Arts & Media. For teens, Career Fit for Teens (13-15 years old) refines career exploration with deeper self-discovery and guidance.

For parents and educators, Career Fit for Kids provides actionable insights to guide career conversations and tailor learning experiences. By focusing on areas of interest and exposure, it fosters curiosity and confidence in young learners as they embark on their career journeys.

The assessment is available in the following language(s):

 English Malay



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