Streamline the Exam Lifecycle

Streamline the entire assessment or exam lifecycle with ExamPro’s powerful management tools. From creating and administering exams to scoring and reporting, the platform simplifies complex processes. Our platform can help you in the following ways:

  • Test Administration: Utilise our system to administer your exam, upload your own questions, create customised exams using various item formats such as multiple-choice, essay, short answers and innovative items.
  • Automatic Grading: Save time with automatic grading for multiple-choice and objective type questions.
  • Data Encrypted: All exam data is encrypted to safeguard against unauthorised access. This ensures that sensitive information is protected throughout the entire exam process, from creation to grading.
  • Ease of Integration: We support integration with existing popular LMS systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, etc., and API for custom integration.